
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mirror, Mirror

I had an impromptu day off from my day job last week, so I had some spare time (finally) to complete a mirror project I was asked to do forever ago. I'm still backed up, but every little bit helps! Here is Ethan's mirror- I cheated a little, by using an existing design, but it happened to work so well with his bedding.

Here also is a blast from the past, made for Hayleigh Grace:

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Be Yourself

This one may be destined to be a print someday. For today, just something to ponder:

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
~Psalm 139:14

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Messenger Birds

A long lost coworker of mine, Michelle Roberts, has built up an awesome little business making beautiful raku-fired "messenger birds". These are adorable pick-me-up gifts and are handmade, so each has it's own unique look. Each bird contains a roll of paper for personalizing. Her designs are available at her online shop,, or at her etsy shop.

Michelle is also a very talented illustrator and graphic designer! You can see her blog here and her website here.

Embrace the Space

Thank goodness for Ashley Kirnan who keeps me busy! I recently got to work with her on creating a new blog header. She is so easy to do work for- she knows what she likes and she has great taste!

Here's the new look:

Head over to Embrace the Space and take a look. My favorite parts of her blog: her projects, and her kids!!!